Divisions & Awards
Race winners (male and female) are determined by Gun time, not Net time.
However, Age Group winners, in fifteen divisions, are determined by Nettime.
Age Group Divisions

Five-year age groups (beginning at age 45) were added in 2010. Record holders were established for the new age groups in the 2010 race.
Three winners in each division will receive awards by mail. Gift certificates in the amounts of $125 (1st), $75 (2nd) and $50 (3rd) will be awarded. Winners in the Masters Division (40 years and older), both men and women, will receive checks in the amount of $750 (1st), $500 (2nd) and $250 (3rd).
Click here to view all of the record holders in each division.
Awards to the top 10 male and female finishers will be presented at Bennet Academy at 11:30 am on race day. The remaining awards will be distributed by mail.
Awards for Top 25 Finishers
King & Queen of the Hill
King and Queen of the Hill will be awarded to the first male and female who cross the designated line at the summit of Highland Street, as determined by the MRR judge, and who places within the top ten finishers of the race in their gender. If the judge considers the race a tie, then the award will be divided by the number of winners. For each gender, the total prize amount will be $1,000.
Special Awards
(may be won in addition to divisional awards)
Course Incentive: $2,000 bonus for breaking the male or female course record
Von Deck Trophy: First male
Clarence and Arvilla Hale Memorial Trophy: First female
Michael Dyer Trophy: First Finisher (35-40 years)
Trooper Russell A. Bagshaw Trophy: First male 40 - 49
Judy-Arin Krupp Trophy: First female 40 - 49
Dr. Marzialo Trophies: First Manchester resident high school male and female
Ray Crothers Trophy: First male 60-69
Jay E. Rubinow Trophy: First finisher 80 - 89
Gift Certificates: First Connecticut resident male and female; First Manchester resident male and female; First non-binary finisher